COVID-19 Information:
- COVID-19 Case Alert 06.04.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 01.04.20
- COVID-19 Case Alert 22.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 21.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 14.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 08.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 03.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 02.03.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 01.03.22 (Yr 2)
- COVID-19 Case Alert 01.03.22 (Yr 6)
- COVID-19 Case Alert 28.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 25.02.22
- COVID Settings Update 23.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 17.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 16.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 15.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 14.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 11.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 10.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 08.02.22
- COVID-19 Case Alert 07.02.22
- Department of Education Survey - Rapid Antigen Tests
- Rapid Antigen Test Collection and Student Permission to Take Tests Home
- COVID-19 Case Alert 04.02.22
- COVID Safe Operations
Classroom / Stage:
- Years 3 and 5 NAPLAN Information Brochure
- K-2 & SC Circus Skills Excursion
- Sport Schools Ten Pin Bowling Excursion - Years 3-6
- Cleanup Australia Day Competition- Winners classroom pizza party and free Iceblock permission
- Stage 2 Mandatory Child Protection Lessons
- Years 1-6 3 Way Conference
- Home Reading
Family Classes:
Aurora College:
Camps / Excursions:
- Year 6 Sydney Camp
- Year 5 Jindabyne Camp
- Years 3 and 4 Kianinny Camp
- Years 3-6 Snow Sports Camp
- SCLC Creative Arts Camp EOI
Sporting Events:
- 2022 FSC Rugby trials - Parent information and consent
- PSSA AFL Trails Consent
- PSSA AFL Trails - Parent Information
- Stage 2 AFL Auskick Gala Day - New Date
- Far South Coast Touch Football trails
- Stage 2 AFL Auskick Gala Day
- District Swimming - Eden Memorial Pool
- Swimming Carnival Program
- Swimming Rules
- PSSA Trials
Performing Arts:
Schoolwide Information:
- NAIDOC WEEK - Bush Tucker Order form
- Easter Hat and Hair Parade @ MPS
- Riding to School Protocols
- Term 1 SRC Celebration Disco
- Otitis Media Consent Form
- SRC Meeting Information
- Student Assistance Scheme Application
- Scripture SRE
- 2022 'Meet the Teacher'
- 2022 Clean up AUS Day
- 2022 Student Requirement List - Years 1-6