14 Oct 2022
![download Star Warts logo](/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/m/merimbula-p/news/2022/10/download.jpg.thumb.1280.1280.jpg)
.We are really excited to be showcasing Star Warts the musical, to our school community in Term 4! This is an exciting whole school musical performance, with all students and staff collaborating to share our arts programs and give opportunities for development in the arts.
All students are taking part in the musical. We have 50 amazingly talented students from Years 1-6 in lead roles, with each class/grade performing as our chorus at different times throughout the musical. Thank you to the parents/carers who have assisted children in learning their lines and preparing costumes. Thank you also to the parents, staff and community members who have assisted with props. Thank you in advance for bringing your children in to take part in the evening performance!
A separate note has been provided regarding costumes for the musical. Please have these ready by Week 5 of Term 4 for the full dress rehearsal, or email the school email account if you have a problem getting your child’s costume: merimbula-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Matinee (day) Performance – Tuesday November 15, 11:45am-1:15pm
Evening Performance – Thursday November 17, 6:30pm-8.00pm
• Kinder to Year 6 Classes/Chorus Sections: Students will be required to arrive at school between 5.45-6pm (for the 6.30-8pm show). Students in the chorus will have to be taken to the holding rooms in full costume by their parent/carer and have their names marked off. They will also be picked up from this same location at the end of the performance (see the Map on the following for drop off/pick up areas). Students will not be able to perform if they are not in their costume.
• Main Cast: Students in lead roles, main cast (50 students) and backstage helpers are to arrive at school at 5.30pm. These students will put their costume on at school. Main cast students will not take their costumes home between the day and night performances. Please get your child to bring in a bag labelled with their name to put their clothes and costume props into between shows.
• Please ensure that your child has had a healthy snack/meal at home prior to coming back into school. They should not bring any food on the night, but should pack a water bottle (with their name on it).
• A coffee van/P&C snack stall will be operating at school from 5.45pm, selling hot drinks and snacks prior to the evening performances. Thank you once again P&C!
• Both performances may also be filmed. A USB will be available for purchase after the musical.
• Children are not to play on school grounds before or after the performance. They may bring a book to read while they are in the waiting rooms, otherwise they will have quiet drawing activities and/or a G/PG Rated movie to watch while they are waiting to perform.
Tickets for both matinee and evening performances may be purchased online via https://www.trybooking.com/CCKGG
Tickets sales are open from 5pm Friday October 14 and will close 12pm Friday November 11.
If there are remaining tickets (not guaranteed) they will be sold at another table (closest to the canteen) for $15 on the night (cash only).
Printed tickets must be presented for a seat to be allocated. Toddlers without tickets will need to sit on a parent/carer’s lap due to limited seating. Toddlers with tickets are welcome to bring a cushion to sit on.
Seating is not allocated therefore, aside of the reserved seats in the front row, those arriving earliest will get first selection of seats. Visitors with wheelchairs, strollers or other support needs are encouraged to contact the school administration office on (02) 6495 1266 NO LATER THAN MONDAY NOVEMBER 7, so that appropriate seating/space can be allocated.
For the evening performance, doors will open at 6pm. Audience members (with pre-paid printed tickets purchased via the online booking system) are to line up at the back doors of the hall, and sign in using the school’s QR code. The school gates closest to the hall, office and oval will be open from 5.00pm.
Thank you for supporting the arts at our school. We look forward to enjoying the musical with you!