13 Oct 2023

Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic standard. Selective high schools help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, and by using specialised teaching methods.
If you would like to have your child considered for Year 7 elective high school entry in 2025, you need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address). For detailed instructions on how to apply please click the link below.
https://education.nsw.gov.au/pub lic-schools/selective-high-schoolsand-opportunity-classes/year-7
For Year 7 entry in 2025, applications open on 9 October and close on 20 November 2023. You must apply before the closing date. Information for applicants has also been sent to Year 5 families via Compass.
You must submit only ONE application for each student. The Selective High School Placement Test will be held early in 2024. Expression of interest notes have been emailed to parents/caregivers of Year 5 students via the Compass Parent/Caregiver Portal today. Information has also been shared via our school Facebook page and Merimbula Public School website.
For more information please see attached PDF - Information for applicants