We’re only weeks out from our Crazy Colour Day! Wednesday 18th of October. We hope students are working hard towards their fundraising goals!
Currently we have earnt for the school over $8000 of our $30,000 goal, so there is a way to go and we hope you’ll keep supporting us! Remember, the money raised will be going towards new technology for all students to use!
Did you know that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by setting up your student profile online and raising $1 online? Just head over to schoolfunrun.com.au
Once you’ve created your page there are some great things you can do. You can sign up for online fundraising, pick your target prize and even become a fundraising superstar!
If you’re having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN.
Thanks for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day!
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